The Ontario eConsult Program is pleased to welcome four new specialists.

South East region specialists continue to do an outstanding job responding to eConsults in a timely manner.

eConsults can now be submitted to the brand new South East regional Obstetric Medicine group.

When completing a consult, you can send optional feedback to the specialist who answered your case.

Fast Facts

  • 47% decrease in unnecessary specialist referrals
  • 63% increase in eConsults in the last year
  • 99 BASE Managed Specialty Groups now available

See below for full details! 

We are excited to announce new groups that are available for eConsult. For more information, you can reference the groups in the OTNhub directory or contact the SEAMO Digital Health Support Team.

Since the inception of the Ontario eConsult Program in February 2017, primary care providers (PCPs) and specialists in the South East region have helped expand the service into a thriving enterprise. 

Who’s On Board?

As of December 2019, 148 primary care providers were actively engaging in eConsult (active users are those who have sent at least three eConsults over the last six months). The South East region is second only to the Waterloo-Wellington region in the percentage of active PCPs.

We are looking for specialists to join the Plastic Surgery and Infectious Disease groups in the South East Region. Please help us spread the word!

For more information contact Chelsea Good by email or phone at 613-533-6000 ext. 75963.

Looking for docs


If you are going to be unavailable for a period of time, you can set an out-of-office notification. 

If you are part of a BASE™ Managed Specialty group, setting an out-of-office notification will prevent case assigners from assigning an eConsult to you during your absence. It will also alert clinicians searching through the Specific Provider or Group option, that you are away. Your name will appear in red in the search box alongside your return-to-office date. 

A total of 3,119 eConsults were sent in the South East Region over the past 12 months!  As seen in the table below, there is a month-over-month increase in the number of eConsults sent each month.

12 month growth

The South East Region is currently third in the province for the number of eConsults sent per 1,000 people, just behind the Champlain and North East regions.