We are looking for specialists to join the Plastic Surgery and Infectious Disease groups in the S

If you are going to be unavailable for a period of time, you can set an out-of-office notificatio

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners will input a prioritized list of regions to mirror their typic

Chelsea Good recently joined us as our Regional eConsult Service Coordinator

A total of 3,119 eConsults were sent in the South East Region over the past 12 months!

OTN released a successful eConsult upgrade on November 1, 2019, that includes the follo

Chelsea Good recently joined Team SEAMO as our Regional eConsult Service Coordinator

Here are the winners from the Fall 2019 Medical Education Development Program (MEDP) competition:

In 2019, we welcomed 41 new physicians.

A huge thank you to over 100 committee members who took time out of their busy schedules to serve on a SEAMO committee.