Going Away over the Holidays? Remember to Set Your Availability!

If you are going to be unavailable for a period of time, you can set an out-of-office notification. 

If you are part of a BASE™ Managed Specialty group, setting an out-of-office notification will prevent case assigners from assigning an eConsult to you during your absence. It will also alert clinicians searching through the Specific Provider or Group option, that you are away. Your name will appear in red in the search box alongside your return-to-office date. 

Set Your Priority Regions after the Upgrade

Physicians and Nurse Practitioners will input a prioritized list of regions to mirror their typical referral pathways. When using the BASE™ Managed Specialty option, this tool will facilitate your eConsults being sent to local specialty groups first, when available, and thus support regional communities of practice.

The South East region is proud to offer regional BASE™ managed specialty groups in 100 specialties providing you with timely access to your local specialists.