SEAMO is thrilled to welcome our new Regional eConsult Coordinator Stephanie Hutton to the organization. StephanieHeadshot of Stephanie Hutton completed her undergraduate degree in Psychology & Human Behaviour at McMaster University, her master’s degree in Aging & Health from Queen’s University and has a graduate certificate in Community & Health Services Navigation from Cambrian College. For the past few years, she has worked as a Certified Customer Service Specialist with Best Buy Canada.

“My background in aging and health studies has allowed me to gain an understanding of the various health needs and complexities as they relate to the geriatric population. The core learnings of my education have provided me with a foundation that can be applied to any population. I have learned how to create and promote a person-first, strength-based environment and approach to care,” she says. 

Stephanie was drawn to SEAMO for their commitment to improving integrated and coordinated health care, as well as the translation of this important information to a variety of audiences. “The interprofessional and collaborative focus of SEAMO allows me to combine my health-based academic background with my experience in customer service and technological living.” 

She is looking to accomplish the goals of improving the effectiveness and efficiency surrounding the way practitioners communicate with one another in order to provide the most optimal care for their patients and establishing an environment where the barriers to integrated digital health services are broken down. “I am most looking forward to collaborating with the existing team and sharing my unique education knowledge base to continue to develop and evolve the eConsult services and the population they support.” 

Welcome to the team, Stephanie!
