What happened when physicians in Kingston asked: “If you could break one rule to provide a better patient or provider experience, what would it be and why?”

Dr. Param Dedhia will be leading a session for the next event of the physician wellness speaker series 2023/2024!

Dr. Jillian Horton will be leading a session for the next event of the physician wellness speaker series 2023/2024!

Tracie Smith-Beyak will be leading a session for the second event of the physician wellness speaker series 2023/2024!

Join us for the second annual Physician Wellness Speaker Series with our first session this fall:

The International “Break the Rules for Better Care” Week ran this year from Feb 13-17. This is an initiative run in 20+ countries annually, coordinated by the Institute for Health Care Improvement, and it is a time to ask staff a somewhat offbeat question: “If you could break any rule in the service of a better experience for patients or your co-workers, what would it be, and why?”

Here are a few things the Physician Wellness Advisory Committee is working on.

Department of Emergency Medicine's Dr. Louise Rang introduces the "breaking the rules for better care" program being encouraged for physicians in the Emergency Department this month.

The IT Departments at all hospitals are listening to our feedback and working to address tech issues.

With the school year starting, what are you listening to, watching and reading to keep up with your mental wellness?